E3: Performing WODS Technical Essay

19 Feb 2021

The last WOD that we performed was the Invoice1 WOD. It was using java script to create an invoice for products, making sure that the data was not "hard coded". More information can be found here

This WOD was pretty straightforward and helped me retain the information needed to use java script, as well as variables and expressions, at an adequete level. Everything seemed to run smoothly and I was able to go through the assignment nearly perfect. I did run into some typing issues and I messed up on some of the capitalization for the codes but ultimately figured it out in the end using process of elimination as to what the problem may have been.

What helped me get through this WOD was first practicing the WOD myself and then watching the video before recording my first attempt. This was the strategy that I utilized in previous WODs and it seemed to work out for this assignment as well. I also made sure that I was checking my progress along the way which helped me catch mistakes before I got too far along in the process to fix them. Another tactic that helped me was keeping my code clean and easy to read so that I was able to go back and analyze what could be returning an error.

One thing that I could have done better would be to change my pace so that I didn't feel so rushed on time which would of helped me to avoid some of the typos that I made in the beginning of the assignment. I may try to utilize this in the next WOD and keep time out of my mind when performing the tasks in order to keep things even cleaner and smoother.