E4: Progress in Programming Report

06 Apr 2021

Given that I did not have any prior knowledge in coding before this class, Assignment 1 really helped me see the progress that I have made in programming. I was able to create the website with ease and actually had an easier time than I anticipated. I have most improved with the language/vocabulary of coding, and am able to pick up concepts quicker from w3schools and the lectures.

In order to improve in my programming skills I need to begin thinking more like a computer, in proccesses. It is very different for me to have to think one step at a time instead of seeing the whole picture at once. This is something that I need to get used to and in the times that I find myself getting stuck, the best solution is to simplify the process and problem solve a step by step alternative to the task I am trying to code.

Fortunately, I seem to be picking up the WODS and seeing the similarities between them and the labs which we walkthrough in class which has helped me get through them without using the screencast. The overall structure of the class is very beneficial to my learning style and I wouldn't change the way it is structured. If I did have to choose an improvement for the class it would be the speed in which we work, there are times that I feel I could work faster through some of the labs than we do in class. The labs are my main source of learning in this class and has helped me move forward. The assignment 1 also helped me see my progress and felt like a cumulation of what we have learned in this classes entirity so seing more of this progress in the assignments to come will be very beneficial to my learning.