E6: Assignment 3 Retrospective Blog

06 Apr 2021

Throughout the assignments, I have created an e-commerce website selling axolotls.

The biggest shortcoming for this assignment was that I was not able to implement a way to adjust cart values from the cart. I believe the process would include assigning the cart value to another variable and assining this value back to the cart value when they update their cart. The one problem with this was that I did not have the time to determine how to do it with all the products in their cart at once.

I am most proud about being able to take the w3schools template and instead of copying it, I made it my own. I felt that my skills in html and css has progressed significantly due to the assignments.

I am least happy with the amount of capabilities within my system as I believe I could implement some cool aspects to it if I had the time to think about them and how to apply them. I feel that my site is at a very basic level and that would be my biggest regret.

The biggest difference in this assignment compared to the last one, was what made it easier to do. That is, it dealt with session and cookies to carry data from page to page so it wasn't a pain-staking task to carry the data back and fort.

What worked best in this assignment was my ablity to use cookies. I felt that the understanding of this concept came easily to me due to the fact that I was able to see it in a tangible way, where the user is actually recieving a cookie which you can request "a bite" at anytime.

What didn't work was that I started late due to having so many other commitments in the final weeks of school so I just lacked the time and energy to put into this assignment as it deserved.

Ultimately, I learned a lot about how to apply cookies and session to carry data as well as how to use nodeemailer which really fascinated me.

If I were to map out the time spent on each task, I believe I spent 60% time on writing code and 35% of the time thinking and the other 5% was fixing the errors.